Om Elisabeth

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Hittills har Elisabeth skapat 4 blogginlägg för.

Leadership changes in Ocab Group

2025-01-14T15:02:42+00:00januari 14, 2025|

I am pleased to announce that Pål Nygaard, currently Country Manager Ocab Norway, is appointed to Group CEO of Ocab effective 13th January 2025. Pål will take over from Klas Elmberg who will pursue other opportunities outside the company.

Pål possesses 15 years of relevant experience from the Property Damage Restoration industry, with a proven track […]

Ocab expands into Finland with the acquisition of VV-Kuivaus Group

2024-08-20T10:08:25+00:00augusti 20, 2024|

Ocab acquires VV-Kuivaus Group Oy, a leading player in Finland with six offices in Seinäjoki, Vaasa, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Lahti and Kokkola. The company has over 120 employees and an annual turnover of approximately EUR 15 million. This acquisition marks a significant milestone for Ocab, strengthening the position as an industry leader in the Nordics, providing […]

Ocab Group Holding AB Annual and Sustainability Report 2023

2024-06-05T09:35:11+00:00juni 5, 2024|

We are proud to present Ocab Group Holding AB’s first combined Annual and Sustainability Report. Here we describe who we are, the value we create for our customers as well as how we manage our business. At Ocab, we work purposefully to improve our working methods and processes and to clarify roles and responsibilities. We […]

Ocab expands in Gothenburg, Borås and Varberg through the acquisition of Brandsanering Avfuktningsteknik Väst AB

2024-04-04T10:40:41+00:00april 4, 2024|

Ocab acquires Brandsanering Avfuktningsteknik Väst AB, a leading player in western Sweden with offices in Gothenburg, Borås and Varberg. The company has over 40 employees and an annual turnover of approximately SEK 80 million. The acquisition complements Ocab’s existing operations in these cities and together we become a stronger partner for our customers.

Brandsanering Avfuktningsteknik Väst […]

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